Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Apples and Winter

We recently made our annual fall trip to the apple orchards at nearby Cosby. We have visited several in the area over the years, but usually end up stopping at Carver's, as well, for their wide selection.


My wife is partial to Rome apples, particularly for cooking, and so we bought our usual bushel. A friend had mentioned that we needed to check out a new Carousel apple, and so we bought one and included it in a small bag of samples. Later, when we tried it, it was crisp and sweet and had a particularly good flavor - so we may have to return and free a half bushel or so of them as well :)

Apples, apples, apples
By the bushel
And by the bag
Along with turnips
Winged gourds
And outdoor festivity

IMG_5278_editedThe Sunday afternoon that we drove out was beautiful and clear in the usual way of fall, but what was unusual was the early snowfall from a day or two prior. When we see snow in East Tennessee, it's typically not until December or January, particularly these last couple of decades of increasingly warmer winters. We sometimes have flurries in November and we can get some pretty fierce cold snaps in December, but for snow to lay in early November is pretty rare.
Several inches had fallen in and around the Cosby area, and in the high Smoky Mountains it was said that there had been 2 feet of snow. So after we left Carver's, we circled back along the park border and stopped in Greenbrier to take a few photos on our way home.


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Now I'm just waiting for that incredible cooking smell to come wafting through the house sometime later this week...

Re-blogged from cwmetz.com

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